
This blog is designed to promote Caritas Switzerland’s work by informing donors, partners and other interested parties of its activities and key achievements in Eastern Equatoria (see map), in Southern Sudan (see map). Although Caritas Switzerland has been active in Sudan for over 20 years and is running different projects in Sudan (see Consortium Partner Information), this blog solely describes and illustrates its main project in South Sudan: ‘Bridging the Gap; Provision of Basic Services in Eastern Equatoria’, which will henceforth be referred to as 'the Bridge Project’. It offers a comprehensive account of all aspects relevant to the Bridge Project and is illustrated with the help of numerous pictures taken in the field.

The main focus of the Bridge Project, carried out in partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Torit (CDoT), is on rehabilitation and reconstruction work in water and sanitation, education and health as well as on strengthening local structures. This blog therefore pays attention and devotes pages to each of these sectors. In addition, it provides general and background project information, includes descriptions of the South Sudanese context, highlights the main constraints facing the Bridge Project and paints a picture of the project base in Torit. Moreover, it includes a brief summary of the consortium partners, donor and partner information and contact details. It also offers a number of technical details concerning the hardware side of project implementation. Finally, summary project information has been added for a quick overview of the Bridge Project.

The contents of the blog are as follows:

The Bridge Project

The South Sudanese Context

Project Background

Risks, Assumptions & Constraints

Torit Base Camp

Water & Sanitation



Strengthening Local Structures

Consortium Partner Information

Donor & Partner Information

Contact Details

Summary Project Information

Technical Details

This page can be used as a homepage to navigate easily through the blog. To return to this page, simply click on the ‘Home’ link at the bottom of each page. Alternatively, clicking ‘Older Posts’ at the bottom of each page will successively take you through all the pages of this blog, in the above order. The contents can also be found in the sidebar at any time.

Please note that this blog was not made with the intention to place new posts and updates on a regular basis. Instead, it was deliberately designed to resemble a website. As such, this blog reflects the state of the Bridge Project as per September 2007, though it will in fact end in April 2008. As a result, not all planned activities have yet been carried out. Rather, the blog presents the achievements of the Bridge Project up to September 2007 and the pictures used to illustrate the posts cover the period from May 2006 to September 2007.