Consortium Partner Information

By design, the Bridge Project is proposed as a consortium. The consortium arrangement enhances the international and local expertise and experience needed to drive the project. Caritas Switzerland is implementing the Bridge Project with the Catholic Diocese of Torit (CDoT) as consortium partner. The ultimate responsibility to the donor will thus be held by Caritas Switzerland as lead agency and CDoT as consortium partner. Both the CDoT and Caritas Switzerland are registered with the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SRRC), Caritas working under the auspices of the diocese.

The CDoT – Caritas partnership dates back to the eighties; both are members of the Caritas Internationalis network and have a proven track record of implementing projects of similar size and scope. Given the consortium partners’ relative strengths and areas of expertise, the collaboration makes for efficient and effective project implementation. Whereas, the CDoT enjoys close contact with the communities in the whole region and possesses the local know-how, Caritas Switzerland possesses the technical know-how and the management capacity. Moreover, both agencies have their own resource bases, which provide added advantages.

Caritas Switzerland

Founded in 1901, Caritas Switzerland is a Roman Catholic aid agency and is a member of Caritas Internationalis. Caritas Switzerland works worldwide and adheres to international humanitarian principles (i.e. Non Governmental Organisation code of conduct). Its scope of work reflects four priority areas: disaster relief, self-determined development, social security in Switzerland and cosmopolitan and tolerant society. Caritas encourages people to take charge of their own fate. It does this by:

  • Promoting local initiatives that sustainably improve the living conditions of the socially disadvantaged;
  • Advocating the conservation of natural resources;
  • Supporting civil conflict resolution and peace building; and
  • Cooperating with local partners and strengthening their own commitments

Caritas Switzerland has been active in Sudan for over 20 years. Until 1999 it concentrated on emergency aid. Then, within the framework of its 1999-2002 Country Programme, the focus shifted to development-oriented rehabilitation and capacity building. The current country programme, Sudan 2003-2006, is a continuation of the previous programme and builds upon its strengths and redresses its weaknesses. Its main focus is on strengthening civil society actors and rehabilitation and reconstruction work in water and sanitation and education.

For more information please visit the Caritas Switzerland website. Please note, however, that the site is available in German and French only.

The Catholic Diocese of Torit

The CDoT is a local indigenous Catholic Church organisation in the east of Equatoria region – a large area estimated at 80,000sq km, bordered by Uganda in the south, Kenya in the south-west and Ethiopia in the east, as well as by Juba and Pibor counties of Sudan in the north. At present, the CDoT is one of the biggest and sometimes the only provider of social services in the entire region of Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. It has a well-organised, motivated and equipped institutional and personnel structures at different levels to effectively plan and implement any project it might undertake with the communities in her catchment areas.

Although the CDoT was established in 1983, the Catholic Church has been present in the area since the 1920’s. Since its inception, the Diocese has focused on the holistic development of people. This is evidenced in the various humanitarian relief interventions and social development programmes the Church delivers to the most vulnerable people. The main focus of the CDoT programmes is to work towards sustainability while addressing the issue of holistic services, that is, both spiritual and material. The strategies of implementation are formulated to employ methods that foster the greatest amount of community empowerment, participation and ownership.

The Diocese has successfully implemented donor-funded projects in the following areas:

  • Providing primary health care services;
  • Providing basic education;
  • Providing sustainable water, hygiene and sanitation education programmes;
  • Strengthening the abilities of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and returnees;
  • Community empowerment programmes; and
  • Increasing food security

The CDoT social development programmes are well rooted in the various parishes and strategically integrated with the diocesan Pastoral and Justice and Peace departments. Advocacy for justice and peace have formed important parts of the CDoT’s work. From the beginning, the CDoT has been advocating for poor people, access and the right to resettlement and repatriation. It has likewise been playing a successful role as peaceful arbitrator on land allocation disputes.

Over the years, the CDoT has gained and maintained considerable levels of confidence and trust from local communities and external partners. The CDoT is a well respected institution in the communities in her catchment areas.