Donor & Partner Information

Bridge Project Donors

Department for International Development (DFID) Basic Services Fund (BSF) for South Sudan
Funded through the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Southern-Sudan (MDTF-S) by the governments of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Denmark

Bridge Project Partners

Consortium Partners

The Catholic Diocese of Torit

Project Partners

Government of South Sudan

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Public Works

International NGOs

Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI)

Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Jesuit Relief Services (JRS)

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Pact Inc.

The Netherlands International Development Agency (SNV)

Local NGOs

Toposa Development Association (TDA)

Civil Society Organisations

Christian Development Association (CDS)

Kapoeta Development Initiative (KDI)

Losoliya Development Rehabilitation Association (LDRA)

Lomohidang Valley Development Initiative (LOVADI)

Palotaka Parish Pastoral Council (PPPC)