Summary Project Information

Project Name

Bridging the Gap; Provision of Basic Services in Eastern Equatoria


Torit, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan

Project Goal

To contribute towards improved livelihood and enhanced capacity of communities, non-state actors and government structures in Eastern Equatoria

Project Purpose

To increase access to and capacity for sustained use of basic services in water, sanitation, education and health

General Outputs

Construct primary schools;
Provide schools with scholastic materials;
Promote income generating activities for schools and set up Parent-Teachers Associations (PTAs);
Train teachers and nurses;
Construct a primary health care centre and equip others;
Drill boreholes;
Construct roof catchment facilities and latrines;
Sensitise and train schoolboys, schoolgirls and households on good hygiene practices;
Strengthen local technicians, builders and CSOs;
Build local capacity through the training of essential staff such as teachers, health workers and artisans so they can work in the facilities being constructed


About 155,000 men, women, boys and girls will benefit

Project Duration

Two years, starting May 2006 and ending April 2008

Project Cost

Total budget USD 3.749.047, 00